Weihnachtszug - Bluebell Railway

A train ride to Christmas Land

Wearing a Norwegian jumper and a pointed hat, we travel on the packed Bluebell Railway Christmas train from Sheffield Park Gardens to Horsted Keynes. Over meadows and through woods, it illuminates everything in colourful fairy lights. The fairies send their regards and the music casts a spell over us. And although I'm not really that "Christmassy", I'm happy to let myself be completely enchanted for 2 hours. Actually, that's exactly what everyone needs nowadays.

Poppy Day

Alljährlicher Gedenktag, auch Remembrance Day genannt

Jedes Jahr zum „Poppy Day“ gibt es in Bexhill-on-Sea eine besonders blumige Verzierung. Die Mohnblume (Poppy) gilt als Gedenksymbol der zahlreichen Opfer beider Weltkriege. Die rote Farbe symbolisiert das Blut, welches in den Kriegen geflossen ist. Die Queen legt jedes Jahr einen roten Blütenkranz an dem Cenotaph Denkmal in London nieder.

Viele Briten tragen im November kleine rote Papierblumen am Revers, um an die vielen Kriegsopfer zu erinnern.

Bonfire Night - English Tradition

05 November is the Day of Bonfires

Also known as Guy Fawkes Night, Bonfire Night is celebrated all over England on 5 November with lots of fire and noise.

This night celebrates the failed attempt to blow up Parliament in 1605. King James the First thus survived, and since then the day has been commemorated in England with parades, fires and lots of soot. Today, every year new unpopular political, historical effigies or simply a Corona Virus is burnt with great gusto.