Today is Valentine's Day

Day of Love and Charity

Valentine's Day is not only the day of love, but also of charity. That's why we want to help people today who are worse off than we are.  We have travelled to the Eifel several times and visited schools that are still affected by the flood disaster.

Please support us and sponsor a class, a class trip, a pupil. Every donation, big or small, also has a high symbolic value and is a sign of hope for those affected and for all of us.

Alle Spenden gehen direkt an die Schulen: 

Förderverein Boeselager-Realschule Ahrweiler

Bank: KSK Ahrweiler
Verwendungszweck: WIR HELFEN Klassenfahrten
IBAN: DE66 5775 1310 0000 8146 32

Förderverein St. Angela Gymnasium

Bank: Kreissparkasse Euskirchen
Verwendungszweck: WIR HELFEN Klassenfahrten
IBAN: DE08 3825 0110 0001 3000 60

Advent calendar - a German tradition

Nowadays popular worldwide

The tradition originated in Germany in the middle of the 19th century, but the exact origin can no longer be traced. Although the Advent calendar originated in Germany, you can get them almost everywhere nowadays. Even before the First World War, Advent calendars were exported to England and later to the USA.

Even at home in England, the typical German tradition is not to be missed. This year I treated myself to a tea Advent calendar. A new surprise every morning - simply delicious.

Your Alicia

Poppy Day

Alljährlicher Gedenktag, auch Remembrance Day genannt

Jedes Jahr zum „Poppy Day“ gibt es in Bexhill-on-Sea eine besonders blumige Verzierung. Die Mohnblume (Poppy) gilt als Gedenksymbol der zahlreichen Opfer beider Weltkriege. Die rote Farbe symbolisiert das Blut, welches in den Kriegen geflossen ist. Die Queen legt jedes Jahr einen roten Blütenkranz an dem Cenotaph Denkmal in London nieder.

Viele Briten tragen im November kleine rote Papierblumen am Revers, um an die vielen Kriegsopfer zu erinnern.

Halloween in England

In the meantime, the creepy festival takes place all over Europe

It's that time of year again - Halloween is on 31 October and children in England are once again roaming around the houses begging for sweets.

Who is dressed up the bloodiest and who dares to go to the scariest house and ask "trick or treat"?

Often enough there are Curly Wurlies, Wine Gums, Flakes, Double Deckers, Rowntrees Fruit Pastels, Jelly Babies and Rhubarb & Custards. All typical English treats that are given away especially for Halloween.

We wish you all a spooky Halloween!

Your SENLAC Team